
Letter Archive Item

Letter from William Burnham to Mr. Edward Spalding
Accession Number
Creation Date
February 14 1820
Handwritten letter from William Burnham to Mr. Edward Spalding concerning his travels and the Cintra.

14 & 24 Feby Matanzas
Mr. Edward Spalding en casa del Senor Dn Juan Guillermo Baker del comercio Trinidad, Cuba
Matanzas 14 Feb 1820,
Dear Spalding
I arrived here in safety
Six days after leaving you, which,
considering the roads I had to travel on,
I thought was doing pretty well. I met
with no robbers, nor did anything of
importance happen to me on my journey.
I was considerably fatigued after the three
first days travelling, but on my arrival
was perfectly well. This journey has
given me a fair opportunity of knowing
what it is to travel in this island,
and from my experience I advise you
to take with you everything you can
possibly stand in need of on the road
should you ever undertake to cross the
island. I found the Salt Beef & tongue very
useful and had often reason to be
grateful to you for furnishing me with
Enclosed I hand you a letter from
Mr. Monroe, master of the Cintra, who has
given you in it, agreeably to my request, all
the information in his power respecting
the capture of that vessel, and of the
situation of the other vessels. He seems to think
that whatever Capt. Dupue may collect he
will make sterling of. It appears from his
account that the large Schr. Of D’s and the
Anna Maria (which I suppose to be the Carmen)
were in rather a bad way when he say saw
them last. I hope however, that his fears may
not be realized, and that both of those
vessels may have reached you ere this.
On my arrival here I found
that about 120 of the Brig’s cargo had been
sold at an average of about $430 principally
cash. The remainder of her cargo went in
the steam boat with me to Havana. I have
not yet heard what sales have been made
there, but suppose that the average of the
whole cargo will be about $400. They were
principally very small. Prime slaves are
worth in Havana $500 to $550.
Molasses have fallen here and
in Havana to 5 bits. I hope you did
not purchase at the prices which you
expected to purchase at when I left
Trinidad, as you would certainly lose
by them. Sugar in Havana, assorted 12 to 16 cs.
Muscovadoes 11 to 11 ½ cs. Coffee, best 23 to 24 cs.
Hoping to hear from you by next
mail and with kind remembrance to all
friends I remain
Yours very truly
Wm Burnham